The average slaughter weight in US in 2014 has been of some
11-Mar-2015 In a recent study performed in France, the economic cost of PRRS was calculated as being 32% correct
04-Mar-2015 The piglets born to young sows run 38% correct
24-Feb-2015 The vaccination of gilts or sows with ETEC vaccines 34% correct
17-Feb-2015 The PCV2 populations that circulate on vaccinated and non-vaccinated farms are 41% correct
Random questions
11-Jan-2023 What biomarker can be used to measure sympathetic system activation, and thus stress in pigs? 48% correct
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06-Nov-2019 Animal plasma, as an feed ingredient, is particularly rich in which amino acids? 40% correct
17-Apr-2024 Is there cross protection between foot and mouth disease serotypes? 65% correct
Easy questions
02-Dec-2020 How long should ropes be left in the pen for oral fluid collection? 79% correct
21-Jul-2021 What is included in our new "Raw materials statistics" section? 72% correct
31-May-2023 Which sample can be used for PCR testing for influenza A virus? 87% correct
06-Mar-2024 Which country weaned the most pigs per sow per year in 2022? (among the options below) 85% correct
Difficult questions
17-Aug-2017 How could it be quantitatively assessed the intestinal health of post-weaned piglets? 23% correct
17-Apr-2012 In 2010 EU produced 28% correct
07-Jan-2015 Why is the piglet's FCR almost 1 shorty after weaning? 28% correct
27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct