The piglet reaches its digestive and immunological maturity between the
13-Oct-2016 Can the gut microbiota be controlled through genetic selection? 45% correct
05-Oct-2016 Removing the divisions in the nursery room allows to take advantage of the corridor space, increasing the total surface by: 38% correct
28-Sep-2016 The increase in prolificacy has entailed a decrease in the space available for weaned piglets by: 39% correct
21-Sep-2016 After Cyprus, the European country with higher sales of antibiotics for livestock in terms of mg/PCU, is: 37% correct
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13-Feb-2019 Symbiotic additives are: 33% correct
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14-Jun-2023 What does the gauge or position on the water medication dispenser regulator indicate? 73% correct
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03-Jun-2020 Why is it important to first remove biofilms before disinfecting hog transportation vehicles? 85% correct
06-Mar-2024 Which country weaned the most pigs per sow per year in 2022? (among the options below) 85% correct
Difficult questions
18-Jan-2017 The prevalence of subtype H1N1dpm of the influenza virus in Europe 29% correct
27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct
31-Jan-2012 A boar can produce: 27% correct
17-Apr-2012 In 2010 EU produced 28% correct