Which 4 factors can lengthen the duration of the birth process in sows?
13-Aug-2013 If we mix lactation feed with water we... 32% correct
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23-Jul-2013 According to the BPEX, which is the estimation of the cost of pleurisy on pig farms? 34% correct
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04-Jul-2019 In the USA, the PRRS virus causes direct annual losses of: 29% correct
16-Sep-2020 In the context of semen storage, what effect can plastics containing BADGE have? 27% correct
06-Aug-2015 If we do not see rodents during the day (but we do see some during the evening/night), and we find faeces and chewing marks, we have a ….. infestation 29% correct
30-Apr-2013 Japan is the first pig meat importer in the world with: 29% correct