Does tail docking prevent tail biting?
13-Jan-2016 Which is the most decisive variable that explains the subsequent performance during the sow’s life? 30% correct
06-Jan-2016 Virus typing is: 30% correct
29-Dec-2015 The consumers that choose, visually, meat with a low marbling degree 33% correct
23-Dec-2015 The infection with the swine influenza virus during the lactation 36% correct
Random questions
31-Dec-2012 Since the first description of the PCV2 in 1998, the presence of this virus has been demonstrated in: 36% correct
28-Sep-2017 When a viral infection occurs, which element of the innate immune system becomes critical?: 35% correct
19-Aug-2015 If we use brewer's yeast in liquid feed, we must bear in mind that: 34% correct
16-Dec-2020 All (100%) of Russia's live pig exports have gone to which country in the first 10 months of 2020? 27% correct
Easy questions
07-Oct-2020 The type of fish used to produce fish meal and how it is stored have a direct affect on which of the following? 84% correct
31-May-2023 Which sample can be used for PCR testing for influenza A virus? 87% correct
11-Nov-2020 Which procedure would you NOT find in the McREBELTM PRRS program? 71% correct
09-Nov-2022 Which membrane filtration process can concentrate salts? 84% correct
Difficult questions
16-Dec-2020 All (100%) of Russia's live pig exports have gone to which country in the first 10 months of 2020? 27% correct
25-May-2016 Which of the following viruses has a lower ratio of transmission? 26% correct
29-Dec-2021 In Germany, how did the use of veterinary antibiotics evolve in 2020 compared to the year prior? 23% correct
16-Sep-2015 How many different PEDv serotypes are known? 26% correct