How does incorporating citrus pulp into the diet affect nitrous oxide emissions (greenhouse gas) by using manure as fertilizer?
14-Aug-2019 After how many days should an animal infected with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae develop good immunity and stop shedding? 45% correct
07-Aug-2019 Which of these sources of dietary fiber does not improve the production of colostrum when feed at peripartum? 43% correct
31-Jul-2019 According to BDporc, the Spanish reference databank, how has the average of the total number of born piglets evolved from 2008 to 2018 in Spain? 36% correct
24-Jul-2019 Which three countries were the top pork exporters to the UK in the first quarter of 2019? 31% correct
Random questions
12-Jun-2019 The European legislation 30% correct
13-May-2020 How does the use of nurse sows affect the spread of the flu virus? 25% correct
20-Jun-2018 What has been the evolution in the production of organic pork in the United Kingdom from 2016 to 2017? 28% correct
23-Oct-2019 The United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on September 1, 2019. 35% correct
Easy questions
14-Jun-2023 What does the gauge or position on the water medication dispenser regulator indicate? 73% correct
07-Apr-2021 Which is a risk factor for colibacillosis presentation in the nursery? 84% correct
10-Apr-2024 What is the first step of performing a necropsy of a piglet in lateral decubitus? 81% correct
12-Jan-2022 Which factors are leading to increased meat prices in the United States? 74% correct
Difficult questions
15-Jul-2015 In the first weeks of the piglet's life, the gastrointestinal mucosa regenerates its lining 29% correct
25-Jan-2018 What was the estimated wild boar census in Spain in 2016-2017 year? 29% correct
04-Jul-2019 In the USA, the PRRS virus causes direct annual losses of: 29% correct
16-Sep-2020 In the context of semen storage, what effect can plastics containing BADGE have? 27% correct