How does incorporating citrus pulp into the diet affect nitrous oxide emissions (greenhouse gas) by using manure as fertilizer?
14-Aug-2019 After how many days should an animal infected with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae develop good immunity and stop shedding? 45% correct
07-Aug-2019 Which of these sources of dietary fiber does not improve the production of colostrum when feed at peripartum? 43% correct
31-Jul-2019 According to BDporc, the Spanish reference databank, how has the average of the total number of born piglets evolved from 2008 to 2018 in Spain? 36% correct
24-Jul-2019 Which three countries were the top pork exporters to the UK in the first quarter of 2019? 31% correct
Random questions
28-Dec-2016 “Ghost sows” are those that 31% correct
31-Jul-2019 According to BDporc, the Spanish reference databank, how has the average of the total number of born piglets evolved from 2008 to 2018 in Spain? 36% correct
06-Aug-2013 Which is the prevalence of lungs with pleurisy at the abattoirs? 42% correct
22-Jul-2020 Why might a sow have an irregular return to estrus? 61% correct
Easy questions
20-Nov-2024 What is the correct order of steps in a farm succession plan? 74% correct
03-Jun-2020 Why is it important to first remove biofilms before disinfecting hog transportation vehicles? 85% correct
31-May-2023 Which sample can be used for PCR testing for influenza A virus? 86% correct
07-Aug-2024 What does the acidification of slurry do? 76% correct
Difficult questions
25-May-2016 Which of the following viruses has a lower ratio of transmission? 27% correct
23-Sep-2014 What is the weaned piglets' feeding pattern? 26% correct
30-May-2019 A possible use of probiotics in sows is 27% correct
29-Aug-2018 What's the IPMA? 28% correct