Which is the impact of going from 2 to 4 feeds in the fattening period?
14-Oct-2014 With respect to the production of haemoderivatives in Europe, What does the new Regulation of 8 May 2014 demand? 35% correct
07-Oct-2014 The penalties and incentives applied in Denmark in the framework of the surveillance and control against Salmonella are: 43% correct
30-Sep-2014 What is the main purpose of creep-feeding before weaning? 37% correct
23-Sep-2014 What is the weaned piglets' feeding pattern? 26% correct
Random questions
13-Jan-2016 Which is the most decisive variable that explains the subsequent performance during the sow’s life? 30% correct
23-Nov-2016 What leads to dysbiosis? 36% correct
08-Oct-2013 Which parameters does the pelleting of the lactating sows' feed mainly improve? 43% correct
06-Apr-2022 What is one way to help maintain the fertilizer quality of slurry? 73% correct
Easy questions
06-Mar-2024 Which country weaned the most pigs per sow per year in 2022? (among the options below) 85% correct
10-Feb-2021 What is the half-life of PRRSv RNA in oral fluids? 74% correct
08-Jul-2020 If I suspect PMWS, what techniques should I use to make a correct diagnosis? 76% correct
29-Mar-2023 What factors influence the ultimate effect of stress on the immune system? 85% correct
Difficult questions
27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct
10-Apr-2019 In all Europe, hunters provide feed to the wild boars. Do you know the amount? 28% correct
29-Aug-2018 What's the IPMA? 28% correct
16-Dec-2020 All (100%) of Russia's live pig exports have gone to which country in the first 10 months of 2020? 27% correct