In the process of the domestication of animals, which is the correct order in the domestication of these species?
15-Feb-2017 Is it correct that pigs are also susceptible to influenza viruses of human and avian origin and if yes, why? 37% correct
08-Feb-2017 The intestinal villi may become affected in a very ..... environment 40% correct
01-Feb-2017 The ASF that threatens Europe was detected in 2014 in: 34% correct
25-Jan-2017 The 3 main pork exporters are, in order of importance: 34% correct
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19-Jan-2022 Which country recently announced it will lower pork tariffs for the U.S.? 58% correct
16-Oct-2012 The feeding with a higher risk with respect to salmonellosis in the farms is: 30% correct
10-Jul-2012 During pregnancy, maintenance of the sow represents: 36% correct
30-Jan-2019 Do you know which percentage of the producing sows in the UK are reared in outdoor systems? 39% correct
Easy questions
31-May-2023 Which sample can be used for PCR testing for influenza A virus? 87% correct
11-Nov-2020 Which procedure would you NOT find in the McREBELTM PRRS program? 71% correct
12-Jan-2022 Which factors are leading to increased meat prices in the United States? 74% correct
15-May-2024 What are pyrrolizidine alkaloids? 78% correct
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27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct
29-Dec-2021 In Germany, how did the use of veterinary antibiotics evolve in 2020 compared to the year prior? 23% correct
07-Jan-2015 Why is the piglet's FCR almost 1 shorty after weaning? 28% correct
10-Jun-2014 With respect to the new PCV2 strains (mPCV2)... 26% correct