Commercially, a sow can produce:
15-May-2012 Almost half of the grain produced in the EU comes from: 35% correct
08-May-2012 Denmark has been reducing the consumption of antibiotics in swine production since 1998, despite that, during the first six months of 2011 what percentage was consumed? 35% correct
24-Apr-2012 The EU consumed, in 2010: 35% correct
17-Apr-2012 In 2010 EU produced 28% correct
Random questions
09-Jan-2019 The 'milk spots' on the liver caused by Ascaris suum 57% correct
18-Jan-2017 The prevalence of subtype H1N1dpm of the influenza virus in Europe 29% correct
31-May-2017 How was African Swine Fever introduced in Europe in the 1960s? 31% correct
04-Jan-2017 'Choice feeding' is: 34% correct
Easy questions
07-Aug-2024 What does the acidification of slurry do? 76% correct
17-Jan-2024 Which country has the lowest cost of pig production? (out of the options below) 74% correct
07-Apr-2021 Which is a risk factor for colibacillosis presentation in the nursery? 84% correct
06-Apr-2022 What is one way to help maintain the fertilizer quality of slurry? 73% correct
Difficult questions
21-Aug-2019 How does incorporating citrus pulp into the diet affect nitrous oxide emissions (greenhouse gas) by using manure as fertilizer? 24% correct
04-Jul-2019 In the USA, the PRRS virus causes direct annual losses of: 29% correct
02-Dec-2014 What are the estimated losses related to M.hyopneumoniae in US during the fattening stage? 24% correct
27-Aug-2013 After the launching of 333's website in Chinese (, in how many different languages is 333 available? 27% correct