The 3 main pork exporters are, in order of importance:
18-Jan-2017 The prevalence of subtype H1N1dpm of the influenza virus in Europe 29% correct
11-Jan-2017 The microbiome of pigs reared outdoors or indoors is 37% correct
04-Jan-2017 'Choice feeding' is: 34% correct
28-Dec-2016 “Ghost sows” are those that 31% correct
Random questions
12-Aug-2015 If we suspect a Salmonella sp infection we will send to the laboratory samples of: 32% correct
14-Oct-2020 Which agent is involved in most of the co-infections found in the lungs of pigs diagnosed with PRDC? 31% correct
09-Jun-2021 What will happen if sow nutrient intake during the transition period is not sufficient for body maintenance? 68% correct
05-Nov-2013 In Japan in 2011, pork importations represented about: 29% correct
Easy questions
16-Jun-2021 What should be included in the maintenance of the dead stock container? 79% correct
04-Oct-2023 For how many weeks has Spain's Mercolleida pig price remained at 2.03 euros/kg live? 71% correct
27-Jul-2022 Which country weans more weight por sow per year - Spain or the United States? 72% correct
28-Sep-2022 Which of these hormonal changes occurs before the sow farrows? 85% correct
Difficult questions
09-Jan-2020 Which statement about sorghum is true? 26% correct
25-May-2016 Which of the following viruses has a lower ratio of transmission? 26% correct
27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct
10-Apr-2019 In all Europe, hunters provide feed to the wild boars. Do you know the amount? 28% correct