The notification of a primary source of a notifiable disease:
18-Jun-2013 The lists A and B of notifiable diseases were replaced by a single list in year: 34% correct
11-Jun-2013 According to the Eurostat's data, in 2012 the swine census in the EU-27 countries: 31% correct
04-Jun-2013 According to the Eurostat's data, which 3 countries led the swine census in 2012?: 34% correct
28-May-2013 What's the name of the new 3tres3's webpage in German? 38% correct
Random questions
20-Nov-2012 In a sow, a distance of 99 cm from one flank to the other one is equivalent to a weight of: 38% correct
02-Dec-2014 What are the estimated losses related to M.hyopneumoniae in US during the fattening stage? 24% correct
25-Jan-2024 What are non-productive days? 52% correct
20-Jan-2015 Which are the maintenace energy requirements of a 6-kg LW piglet? 37% correct
Easy questions
20-Jul-2022 What is the predominant type of livestock in Spain according to livestock unit in 2020? 72% correct
28-Aug-2024 What is the first limiting essential amino acid in swine? 80% correct
26-Jun-2024 What can be done to help protect vaccines in large refrigerators in case of malfunction? 75% correct
15-Sep-2021 How does sunflower meal compare to soybean meal? 84% correct
Difficult questions
16-Sep-2014 What may be the impact of differentiated feeding depending on the gender? 28% correct
17-Aug-2017 How could it be quantitatively assessed the intestinal health of post-weaned piglets? 23% correct
05-Nov-2013 In Japan in 2011, pork importations represented about: 29% correct
23-Sep-2014 What is the weaned piglets' feeding pattern? 26% correct