Oxidative stress could be a trigger for
20-Feb-2019 Probiotics and prebiotics differ in: 37% correct
13-Feb-2019 Symbiotic additives are: 33% correct
06-Feb-2019 The faecal microbiota transplantation in pigs that later became infected with PRRS and PCV-2... 37% correct
30-Jan-2019 Do you know which percentage of the producing sows in the UK are reared in outdoor systems? 39% correct
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16-Oct-2019 Do the needs of amino acids increase during inflammatory processes? 40% correct
18-Feb-2014 In order to inactivate the PEDV present in the faeces found on the floors of live pigs transportation vehicles it is necessary to: 37% correct
28-Sep-2016 The increase in prolificacy has entailed a decrease in the space available for weaned piglets by: 39% correct
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Easy questions
15-May-2024 What are pyrrolizidine alkaloids? 78% correct
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12-Jan-2022 Which factors are leading to increased meat prices in the United States? 74% correct
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27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct
07-Jan-2015 Why is the piglet's FCR almost 1 shorty after weaning? 28% correct
20-Nov-2019 Overall sales of veterinary antibiotics across Europe between 2011 and 2017... 19% correct
13-Nov-2024 Which country consumes the most pork in Europe? 26% correct