The lowest concentrations of NH3 are usually found in:
14-Aug-2012 A sow reaches its lactation peak at: 37% correct
07-Aug-2012 Lameness caused by infection may be due to: 31% correct
31-Jul-2012 How much colostrum does a piglet need to eat at birth? 38% correct
24-Jul-2012 In split nursing larger piglets are separated during 30% correct
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28-Sep-2022 Which of these hormonal changes occurs before the sow farrows? 86% correct
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07-Jan-2015 Why is the piglet's FCR almost 1 shorty after weaning? 29% correct
04-Jul-2019 In the USA, the PRRS virus causes direct annual losses of: 29% correct
09-Jan-2020 Which statement about sorghum is true? 28% correct
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