The current PED cases in Asia and USA can be traced back to the outbreaks that appeared in Korea in
22-Apr-2015 E. coli can be classified into: 38% correct
15-Apr-2015 The effect of the PCV2 40% correct
08-Apr-2015 The best ante mortem samples to detect influenza are 34% correct
01-Apr-2015 Due to genetic and nutritional improvements for increasing the lean deposition 31% correct
Random questions
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30-Mar-2022 The United States broke records in which of the following pork trade statistics in 2021? 32% correct
24-Jul-2012 In split nursing larger piglets are separated during 30% correct
Easy questions
28-Jul-2021 What is the relationship between a piglet's energy reserves at birth and its energy requirements? 75% correct
20-Dec-2023 What is the World Health Organization's definition of One Health? 79% correct
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13-Oct-2021 Which method is most commonly used in slaughterhouses to detect and classify boar taint in carcasses of entire male pigs? 73% correct
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07-Dec-2022 How much have Spanish imports of live pigs increased this year? (through September) 28% correct
08-Apr-2014 The dorso-caudally located pleuritis... 29% correct
16-Sep-2015 How many different PEDv serotypes are known? 26% correct
30-Sep-2020 Pigs that consume a dry, meal diet compared to pelleted feed, take... 26% correct