The consumers that choose, visually, meat with a low marbling degree
23-Dec-2015 The infection with the swine influenza virus during the lactation 36% correct
16-Dec-2015 The enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains 35% correct
10-Dec-2015 The pregnant sows that visit more frequently the feeder have 36% correct
03-Dec-2015 A study points out that the best age to vaccinate piglets against PCV2 is at: 34% correct
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17-Jul-2012 Water with high levels of sulfates on a fattening farm: 31% correct
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24-Apr-2012 The EU consumed, in 2010: 35% correct
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18-Oct-2023 What is the role of vitamin D at the intestinal level? 71% correct
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29-Nov-2023 How did EU pigmeat production evolve in the first half of 2023? 82% correct
23-Dec-2020 What relationship exists between the sows' acceptance of contact by the farmer and the farm performance? 93% correct
Difficult questions
25-May-2016 Which of the following viruses has a lower ratio of transmission? 26% correct
10-Jun-2014 With respect to the new PCV2 strains (mPCV2)... 26% correct
07-Jan-2015 Why is the piglet's FCR almost 1 shorty after weaning? 28% correct
13-Nov-2024 Which country consumes the most pork in Europe? 26% correct