To produce vitamin D animals need:
22-May-2012 Commercially, a sow can produce: 40% correct
15-May-2012 Almost half of the grain produced in the EU comes from: 35% correct
08-May-2012 Denmark has been reducing the consumption of antibiotics in swine production since 1998, despite that, during the first six months of 2011 what percentage was consumed? 35% correct
24-Apr-2012 The EU consumed, in 2010: 35% correct
Random questions
12-Jun-2019 The European legislation 31% correct
30-Nov-2017 Which of these answers in reference to fasting prior to slaughter is false? 32% correct
03-Dec-2015 A study points out that the best age to vaccinate piglets against PCV2 is at: 34% correct
22-Jul-2015 The intestinal transit time in piglets up to 8 weeks old is: 33% correct
Easy questions
21-Jul-2021 What is included in our new "Raw materials statistics" section? 72% correct
10-May-2023 What is the primary vector of getahvirus (GETV)? 72% correct
19-Apr-2023 Which countries saw increased pork production in 2022? 76% correct
17-Jan-2024 Which country has the lowest cost of pig production? (out of the options below) 78% correct
Difficult questions
29-Dec-2021 In Germany, how did the use of veterinary antibiotics evolve in 2020 compared to the year prior? 23% correct
23-Sep-2014 What is the weaned piglets' feeding pattern? 27% correct
06-Aug-2015 If we do not see rodents during the day (but we do see some during the evening/night), and we find faeces and chewing marks, we have a ….. infestation 29% correct
20-Jun-2018 What has been the evolution in the production of organic pork in the United Kingdom from 2016 to 2017? 28% correct