Which of these traits has the lowest heritability?
23-Sep-2015 Which of these traits has the highest heritability? 36% correct
16-Sep-2015 How many different PEDv serotypes are known? 26% correct
09-Sep-2015 The time from birth to the first suckling... 36% correct
02-Sep-2015 For every 100 g more of weight at farrowing colostrum intake increases by: 35% correct
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11-Jun-2013 According to the Eurostat's data, in 2012 the swine census in the EU-27 countries: 31% correct
05-Oct-2017 How long can the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PED) survive in plastic or metal materials at 4ºC? 33% correct
17-Mar-2021 Which animals have the best feed conversion rate in the first phase of finishing? 40% correct
03-Aug-2016 The infection caused by C. difficile mainly affects: 38% correct
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18-Dec-2024 Can vibrations affect semen dose quality? 99% correct
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28-Dec-2018 Current PCR tests... 29% correct
16-Sep-2020 In the context of semen storage, what effect can plastics containing BADGE have? 27% correct
31-Jan-2012 A boar can produce: 27% correct
10-Mar-2021 How much feed did U.S. hogs consume in 2019? 17% correct