Replacement gilts should be...?
27-Dec-2024 Which type of pneumonia suggests bacteria entered aerogenously? 78% correct
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11-Dec-2024 What is an example of chemical treatment of feed? 84% correct
04-Dec-2024 What is a diffuse lesion? 36% correct
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27-Dec-2019 In the last antibiotic categorisation implemented in the European Union, in what section do we place 3rd generation cephalosporins? 36% correct
Easy questions
17-Jan-2024 Which country has the lowest cost of pig production? (out of the options below) 74% correct
10-Jun-2020 In China, most of the reported ASF outbreaks at the beginning of the year were attributed to: 83% correct
29-Nov-2023 How did EU pigmeat production evolve in the first half of 2023? 82% correct
27-Apr-2022 Which country has declared that the use of permanent farrowing crates will be banned by 2035? 76% correct
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02-Dec-2014 What are the estimated losses related to M.hyopneumoniae in US during the fattening stage? 24% correct
07-Oct-2015 Is PED a notifiable disease in Europe? 25% correct
23-Oct-2024 In France, what percent of pork is consumed as charcuterie? 26% correct
25-Jan-2018 What was the estimated wild boar census in Spain in 2016-2017 year? 29% correct