How long does semen live inside the sow?
24-Mar-2021 In Peru, how much pork did the average person consume in 2019? 31% correct
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10-Mar-2021 How much feed did U.S. hogs consume in 2019? 17% correct
03-Mar-2021 How has the number of pig farms in Germany evolved over the last 10 years? 52% correct
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19-Apr-2017 Which sentence is true about strains of livestock associated MRSA (LA-MRSA) 33% correct
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30-May-2019 A possible use of probiotics in sows is 27% correct
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27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct
19-Dec-2012 The PCV2 is known since 26% correct