On 19-22 March 2015 was held the 4th edition of Poznan Veterinary Forum in Poland.
Presentations were given by, among other: Laura Batista (Canada/Mexico), Marek Gehrke (Poland), Martina Hoedemaker (Germany), Jędrzej Jaśkowski (Poland), Tommy van Limbergen (Belgium), Dominik Maes (Belgium), Rolf Mansfeld (Germany), Tanja Opriessnig (Scotland /USA), Zygmunt Pejsak (Poland), Tomasz Stadejek (Poland), Cinta Prieto Suárez (Spain), Kyoung Jin Yoon (USA). The programme was specifically developed to give the participants an overview of recent advances in scientific research presented during lectures, and to up-date the methods and practical interventions during workshops