
Nutritional requirements for pigs and update of the Brazilian Tables 2024 (II): Energy and amino acids for growing pigs

For pigs to grow and be productive, their nutrition must provide the intake of energy and nutrients necessary for maintenance and production. The most important nutrients are proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. Ingested and recycled proteins will be used for tissue growth and repair, enzymatic and hormonal functions, transport of substances, immune responses, water and electrolyte balance, muscle contraction, cell signaling, and pH maintenance.

    Nutritional requirements for pigs and an update of the Brazilian Tables 2024 (I): Energy and amino acids for growing pigs

    Of the pillars of commercial pig production, nutritional management, is based on its impact on the total final production cost. In Brazil, it represented 73.16% of the total production cost in 2024 on average, according to data from CIAS (2024, EMBRAPA). In this way, constantly updating the energy and nutrient requirements needed to optimize production outcomes is a focus of attention and a goal of ongoing scientific research.

    The importance of uniformity and mixing quality in swine feed production

    Uniformity and quality play a key role in the success of both the feed mill and the farm. The quality of swine feed starts with proper diet formulation, which must meet the animal's nutritional needs at every stage of its life, and a proper mixing process ensures uniform nutrient distribution and directly impacts production performance, animal health and welfare, and economic efficiency.

    Figure 1. Irregular particle size in feed and feces. Photos provided by Diego Lescano.

    Particle size as a key factor in sustainability

    In today's context of high production costs and increasing pressure from environmental regulations, swine production faces the challenge of balancing production efficiency with the environmental and economic sustainability of the industry. A key factor in this equation is feed particle size, where simple actions available to the producer can achieve significant improvements.


    Commodities trade: What to expect in 2025?

    At the risk of being proven wrong by the end of 2025, we will try to break down what we think this year has in store. It's not about using a crystal ball, but rather analyzing the data we already have and weighing its importance. At the end of the year, you can compare and see whether we got it right or missed the mark.

    Photo 1. Use of digital refractometers for indirect measurement of immunoglobulin concentration.

    We can improve colostrum quality through nutrition: Research and practice

    The global swine industry is dynamic and constantly advancing. One of these advancements is the significant increase in sow productivity. This is evidenced by the increase in the number of piglets born and, consequently, in the number of piglets weaned. This progress also poses new challenges, especially regarding the most important superfood on the farm: porcine colostrum. This leads us to ask if improving colostrum quality is possible through specific nutritional strategies.

    End of cascading declines?

    Spain has had three consecutive months of declines, which have resulted in a 14% decrease. Despite this, Spain continues to lead pig prices in the EU. The question is how far these decreases will continue.

    Interest in incorporating insect meal in piglet feed

    All livestock sectors are seeking to reduce imports of raw protein materials. Insect meals belong to the category of concentrated protein sources, but their nutritional characteristics are poorly documented and attempts to incorporate them into swine feed have been the subject of few publications.

    PCV2 Vaccine

    PCV2 vaccines

    This article describes the main characteristics of commercial vaccines to combat swine circovirosis.

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