Swine abstracts
Microbial additive supplementation: effects on growth performance, blood metabolites, fecal microflora, and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs
Comparison between intramuscular and intranasal administration of sedative drugs used for piglet castration
Effect of low-protein diets supplemented with crystalline amino acids on the performance of growing pigs
Pluck-pools as diagnostic samples for PRRSV and PCV2 in abortion material and stillbirths
Specialized feed-additive blends of short- and medium-chain fatty acids improve sow and pig performance during nursery and post-weaning phase

Fertility after photodynamic inactivation of bacteria in extended boar semen
Impact of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on plasma bone turnover markers, bone mineralization, bone strength, and lameness scores in gilts
Sound feeding signal for gestating sows: Evaluation of an individual learning strategy and its beneficial effects in groups
Inclusion of illipe nut in porker pig diets: enhancing growth performance, meat quality, and nutritional value
Blood transcriptomic differences in the immune response under stressful environmental according to stocking density
Impacts of single and combined probiotics on growing-finishing pigs and swine compost

Assessment of temperature and time on the survivability of PRRSV and PEDV on experimentally contaminated surfaces
Indole-3-propionic acid boosts growth and helps prevent diarrhea by supporting antioxidant balance and reducing intestinal inflammation in weaned piglets
Split weaning improves pregnancy rate and embryo survival in sows mated in lactation
Can probiotics alleviate constipation and inflammation in late-gestating and lactating sows?
Long-term measurement of lying behavior in crates and free-farrowing pens using 3D accelerometers
Effects of fermented mixed feed on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and the composition of fatty acids and amino acids in the muscles of finishing pigs

Effect of sex and birth weight on the performance, microbiome, immune response and colostrum intake of piglets
Exploring the safety of calcium nitrate in growing-finishing pig diets through methemoglobin and nitrate levels
Mitigation of aerosol and microbial concentration in a weaning piggery by spraying nanobubble ozone water with an ultrasonic sprayer
Dietary manganese and selenium: Impact on growth and fecal microbiota in nursery piglets
Evaluation of different thawing protocols on Iberian boar sperm preserved for 10 years at different liquid nitrogen levels
Uncovering the positive impact of rye bran on lactating sow and piglet performance

Impact of the leptin receptor gene on pig performance and quality traits
Added aroma changes pig behaviour in novel situation aimed for stunning
Enhancing pig performance and carcass quality through aspartic protease supplementation without affecting blood parameters or salivary cortisol levels
Can environmental nebulization of lavender essential oil improve welfare and modulate nasal microbiota of growing pigs?
Adding Aspergillus oryzae as a dietary prebiotic: effects on energy and nutrient digestibility of growing pigs
African swine fever virus DNA is present in non-biting flies collected from outbreak farms in Romania

Microencapsulated essential oils boost growth and enhance gut health in weaned piglets
Hourly feeding of lactating sows: Enhancing performance and welfare in smart farm-based systems
Maternal flavour conditioning combined with organic and inorganic iron-supplemented creep feed on piglet and the effect on performance and haemoglobin status
Intradermal needle-free injection prevents ASF transmission, while intramuscular needle injection does not
Sire type and a by-product-based diet: effects on performance and meat quality in growing and finishing pigs
Effects of space allowance during gestation and socialization training during growing period on the productivity and welfare of primiparous sows

Impact of capsaicin supplementation on growth, blood profiles, and carcass quality in finishing pigs
A diagnostic approach to confirm Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae “Day zero” for pathogen eradication
The effect of feeding dietary fermentable fiber on fecal microbial composition and acetic acid production in nursery pigs
Gut microbiota affects the estrus return of sows by regulating the metabolism of sex steroid hormones
Exploring how an organic mineral mix affects antioxidant balance, immune health, and performance in sows and their offspring
Infection prediction in swine populations with machine learning

Different fat sources and vitamin E levels on optimizing growth performance, lean growth, organ size, carcass characteristics, primal cuts, and pork quality in heavyweight - finishing pigs
A second iron injection administered to piglets during lactation improves hemoglobin concentration, growth performance, and carcass characteristics at slaughter
Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of different dietary levels of n-carbamylglutamate in growing-finishing pigs
First detection of PCV4 in swine in the United States
Enhancing growth and gut health in nursery piglets: effects of enzymatically treated yeast and zinc oxide
Low-density lipoproteins, resveratrol and quercetin as alternative additives to improve boar semen cooling

The effect of dietary supplementation with garcinol during late gestation on bile acid metabolism disorders and the performance of sows and newborn piglets
Reclassification of ASFV into 7 biotypes using unsupervised machine learning
The effect of a phytobiotic-prebiotic feed additive containing a combination of carob pulp, chicory, and fenugreek on growth performance, carcass traits, and fecal microbiota of fattening pigs
Factors associated with farrowing assistance in hyperprolific sows
Impact of low-protein diets with added essential amino acids on growth and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs
A cross-sectional assessment of PRRSV nucleic acid detection by RT-qPCR in serum, ear-vein blood swabs, nasal swabs, and oral swabs

The effects of plant-derived squalene supplementation on growth performance and acute oxidative stress-induced growth retardation and intestinal damage in piglets
Genetic and phenotypic time trends of litter size, piglet mortality, and birth weight in pigs
Dietary omega-3 long-chain fatty acids influence on microbial diversity and composition in sows' feces, colostrum, milk, and suckling piglets' feces
Disasters, population trends, and their impact on the U.S. pork packing sector
Supplementation of Ligilactobacillus salivarius improves intestinal structure and microbiota balance in weaned piglets
Effect of postpartum meloxicam administration to sows and split-suckling

Effects of dietary supplementation with Aurantiochytrium limacinum on tissue fatty acid profile in finishing pigs
Space–time dynamics of African swine fever spread in the Philippines
Flavor variety: the effects on the intake and palatability of commercial feed in nursery pigs
Myo-inositol improves the viability of boar sperm during liquid storage
Impact of various supplemental methionine sources in finishing pig diets on growth performance, carcass traits, cutting yields, and meat quality
Effect of reducing dietary crude protein level on growth performance, blood profiles, nutrient digestibility, carcass traits, and odor emissions in growing-finishing pigs

Pig manure treatment strategies for mitigating the spread of antibiotic resistance
Impact of zinc supplementation on growth performance and body composition in grow-finishing pigs under heat stress
Dominance hierarchy in groups of pregnant sows: characteristics and identification of related indicators
The effect of different dietary protein sources on growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immunity, faecal microbiota and metabolites in weaned piglets
A novel recombinant S-based subunit vaccine induces protective immunity against porcine deltacoronavirus challenge in piglets
Benefits and challenges of sugar beet pulp in gestating sow diets

Heat stress alters hematological parameters in barrows and gilts
333 Emerging Voices: Evaluating the nonspecific protection of an immunostimulant based on heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis against Salmonella Choleraesuis infection in pigs
Master's thesis from the Institute for Game and Wildlife Research (IREC), University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). Directed by Prof. Dr. Christian Gortázar Schmidt and Prof. Dr. María de los Ángeles Risalde Moya.
Effects over time of different types of sounds on gestating sows’ behavior
Impact of dietary neutral detergent fiber supplementation on carcass characteristics, amino acid profiles, and meat quality of finishing pigs by multi-omics analysis
Impact of enrichment and repeated mixing on resilience in pigs
The effect of dietary fiber on immunity and intestinal barrier function of different breeds of growing pigs

Refining PRRSV-2 genetic classification based on global ORF5 sequences and investigation of their geographic distributions and temporal changes
Buckwheat protein added to weaned piglets’ diet positively affected growth performance, lipid metabolism, and systemic immunity through the modulation of gut microbiota
Heat stress alters the ovarian proteome in prepubertal gilts
Nitrogen utilization in gestating sows: Impact of dietary fiber, crude protein level, and gestation stage
333 Emerging Voices - Evaluation of the inclusion of Tenebrio molitor meal in pig’s diet
Doctoral thesis from the University of Milan (Italy), advised by Luciana Rossi.
The effect of sugary and salty former food products in pig diets on energy and nutrient digestibility, growth performance and carcass composition

Welfare and performance of sows and piglets in farrowing pens with temporary crating system
The impact of dried cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) waste meal as feed in growing-finishing pigs
The beneficial effects of providing prepartum sows with nesting materials
The effect of different fiber sources in antibiotic-free diets on growth, immune responses, intestinal barrier function and microbiota in weaned piglets
Transplantation of fecal filtrate to neonatal pigs reduces post-weaning diarrhea
Negative dietary cation-anion difference and calcidiol supplementation in transition diets fed to sows and its impact on piglet survival, piglet weight, and sow metabolism

Fertility responses of melatonin-treated gilts when there are different temperatures and lighting conditions
333 Emerging Voices: Evaluation of tail biting in pigs at the abattoir
Integrated Master's Dissertation in Veterinary Medicine by Alice Gomes from UTAD (Portugal) advised by Professor Madalena Vieira-Pinto.
Effects of providing sensory attractants to suckling pigs during lactation and after weaning on post-weaning growth performance
The impact of low or normal birth weight, and dairy or non-dairy sources of fat in the diet, on muscle fiber, connective tissue and pork quality characteristics
Effect of method of drying piglets at birth on rectal temperature over the first 24 h after birth
Effects of arazyme in combination with dietary carbohydrolases on odor emission and gut microbiome in growing-finishing pigs

Re-evaluation of ASF genotypes reveals existence of only six distinct p72 groups
Acute and persistent oral glutamine supplementation and its impact on low and normal birthweight pre-weaning piglets
Vaginal and vestibular electrical resistance as an alternative marker for optimum timing of artificial insemination
Flavor in diets: Effect on sow feed intake, lactation performance, and subsequently weaned pig nursery performance