Reproductive disorders in sows often occur at high frequency after the first weaning, with subsequent detrimental effects. “2nd parity syndrome” (P2S) includes various signs: delayed estrus, infertility and small litters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of these different components, and to identify associated factors at herd and individual level. Analysis was performed on 2008 data (National Pig Management database) for 842 herds and 42,000 primiparous sows. Fertility problems, delayed estrus (> 7 days) and small litters (<11 total born piglets) occurred respectively in 16, 13 and 19% of primiparous sows, with 21% exhibiting a severe reduction in 2nd litter size (>20% fewer total born piglets). At herd level, profiles were characterized using threshold values for average 2nd parity results: fertility to 1st service <85%, reduction in total born
piglets ≥0.2, and weaning to insemination interval >7 days. At least one of these problems occurred on 80% of the farms, but one or two signs together (fertility and/or estrus) was a more frequent occurrence (40% herds) than the full syndrome (<10% herds).
Logistic analysis identified factors associated with P2S components, at sow level: delay between arrival and1st
insemination, 1st parity litter size and fertility, 2nd litter conceived to 1st service, season to 1st weaning; and at herd level: herd size, batch management, 1st parity performance, fostering.

This study confirms that P2S is still a frequent problem, but with various manifestations. Because risk factors may not be the same for all these components, prevention may benefit from the identification of P2S profiles.
Boulot S. Després Y., Badouard B., Sallé E. Characterization of “second parity syndrome” profiles and associated risk factors in French sow herds. 4th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management, 2012.