In the absence of any available vaccines, African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak containment relies on control and culling of infected animals. Limited cross protection studies suggest that in order to ensure a vaccine is effective it must be derived from the current outbreak strain or at the very least from an isolate with the same genotype. Here we report the discovery that deletion of a previously uncharacterized gene, I177L, from the highly virulent ASFV-G produces complete virus attenuation in swine. Animals inoculated intramuscularly with the virus lacking the I177L gene, ASFV-G-ΔI177L, in a dose range of 102 to 106 HAD50 remained clinically normal during the 28 day observational period. All ASFV-G-ΔI177L-infected animals had low viremia titers, showed no virus shedding, developed a strong virus-specific antibody response and, importantly, they were protected when challenged with the virulent parental strain ASFV-G. ASFV-G-ΔI177L is one of the few experimental vaccine candidate virus strains reported to be able to induce protection against the ASFV Georgia isolate, and the first vaccine capable of inducing sterile immunity against the current ASFV strain responsible for recent outbreaks.

Manuel V. Borca, Elizabeth Ramirez-Medina, Ediane Silva, Elizabeth Vuono, Ayushi Rai, Sarah Pruitt, Lauren G. Holinka, Lauro Velazquez-Salinas, James Zhu, Douglas P. Gladue. Development of a highly effective African swine fever virus vaccine by deletion of the I177L gene results in sterile immunity against the current epidemic Eurasia strain. Journal of Virology Jan 2020, JVI.02017-19; DOI: 10.1128/JVI.02017-19