The results showed that in infected piglets, the cereal variety had no influence on ST fecal shedding over time and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) colonization. All pigs were positively tested for ST. Translocation of ST to lymph nodes was observed frequently but not to other organs. In ConP, compared with hulled barley, hull less barleys reduced the number of animals shedding ST (P < 0.05 for d 2) and the number of ST (cfu/g) in cecum on d 6 (P < 0.01).
Although hull less barleys did not protect against colonization when directly challenged at a high oral dose, these barleys may be useful to reduce natural ST transmission among penmates.
J Bindelle, R Pieper, JK Marshall, G Malik, BR Rossnagel, P Leterme, and AG Van Kessel, 2010. Journal of Animal Science, 88 (E-Suppl. 2):284.