Including all days of observation 2.3 AI per dyad occurred between resident and new sows (n = 50 dyads), 0.5 AI/dyad within the subgroup of resident sows (n = 45 dyads) and 1 AI/dyad within the subgroup of new sows (n = 10 dyads).
Altogether 12,454 lying events were recorded from which 6134 occurred clearly either next to amemberof theownsubgroup (resident and resident,newand new) or next to amember of the other subgroup (resident and new or vice versa). On the 1st day new sows showed significantly more lying events than resident sows (21.2/24 h, 14.9/24 h, respectively). By the 21st day this number decreased significantly (13.9/24 h) no longer showing significant
differences to the number observed for resident sows (14.2/24 h).
On the 1st day resident as
well as new sows lay down significantly more often next to a member of the own subgroup
(new sows 94.3%; resident sows 96.8%). The number of lying events next to a member of the
own subgroup decreased significantly within 3 weeks after the introduction of new sows,
indicating the advancing integration of new sows into the dynamic group (new: 1st day
94.3%, 21st day 46.0%; resident: 1st day 96.8%, 21st day 74.6%).
V. Krauss, S. Hoy. Dry sows in dynamic groups: An investigation of social behaviour when introducing new sows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2011. Vol. 130 (1): 20-27.