The effects of two types of litter (straw and sawdust) and two feeding systems (dry and liquid) on nitrogenous (NH3, N2O and N2) and carbon emissions (CH4 and CO2) were determined in growing pigs.
Liquid feeding associated with a high provision of straw resulted in a reduction in the total nitrogen volatilization rate compared to a dry feeding (43% vs 69%). However, with liquid feeding the contribution of N2 was lower (5% vs 20%) whereas that of N-NH3 was higher (9.1 vs 5.6 g/pig/day). Total gaseous N emissions were similar for the two types of litter. However, N-N2 emission was lower with sawdust bedding whereas N-N2O emission was higher, compared to straw bedding. No significant effect of feeding system or litter type was observed on C-CH4 emissions, varying between 3.5 and 9.8 g/pig/day.

S. Lagadec, J.-P. Quillien, B. Landrain, P. Landrain, F. Paboeuf, P. Robin, M. Hassaouna. Incidence de la nature de la litière et du mode d'alimentation sur les émissions d'ammoniac et de gaz à effet de serre des porcs charcutiers. 2012. Journées Recherche Porcine, 44, 137-138.