Successive batches of 10 gestating sows were divided in two homogeneous groups. For each group, pen consists in a bedded area placed beside five feeding stalls on concrete floor. For trial 1 (4 batches), the access to the stalls was prevented outside the feeding time (restricted diet, one meal a day during 1 hour) and the space allowance was 2.5 or 3.0 m²/sow for the two groups respectively. For trial 2 (3 batches), the access to the stalls was allowed outside the feeding time for one of the two groups. Space allowance of these sows consists in a concrete area of 1.2 m²/sow and a bedded area of 1.8 m²/sow. Space allowance of the other group consists in a bedded area of 3.0 m²/sow. The gas emissions were measured by infra red photoacoustic detection during 3 periods of 6 consecutive days throughout the gestation period.
Increasing bedded space allowance (trial 1) enhanced NH3‐emissions but decreased N2O‐, CH4‐ and CO2‐emissions. Free access to the concrete area without modification of space allowance (trial 2) had little impact on NH3‐emissions, decreased N2O‐emissions and increased CH4‐ and CO2‐emissions.
F.-X. Philippe, J. –F. Cabaraux, B. Canart, M. Laitat, J. Wavreille, N. Bartiaux-Thill, B. Nicks. Effets de la surface disponible et du type de sol sur les émissions gazeuses lors de l’élevage de truies gestantes. 2010. Journées Recherche Porcine, 261.