
Evaluation of an aluminosilicate to decrease the toxic effects of Aflatoxin B1 in swine

AFB1, at the concentrations used for this experiment, affects the animals as shown by the increase in alkaline phosphates and GGT enzymes. Also, the decrease of these enzymes in the group that received the diet containing the absorbent proves the protections of these absorbents.
4 March 2011
18 pigs were used; all of them weaned at 21 days, divided into three groups and fed, during 21 days, one of the following treatment diets: negative control, positive control with 680 ppb of AFB1 and a diet with 5 kg of absorbent/t plus 680 ppb of AFB1. Piglets were weighed at the start of the experimental period, and weekly. At the end of the experimental period all of the piglets were slaughtered and samples were taken from the tonsils, lungs, liver, gall bladder, spleen and the mesenteric lymph nodes.

Significant differences were observed in the animals with respect to weight gain, total weight, feed consumption and levels of alkaline phosphates, GGT and total proteins present. In those animals where damage was observed due to aflatoxins, recuperation was seen when the diet contained the micotoxin absorbent. The decrease in weight gain in the positive control group was 31,2% in comparison with the negative control group. Histopathological analysis showed the effects of consumption of aflatoxins in the liver and kidneys.

AFB1, at the concentrations used for this experiment, affects the animals as shown by the increase in alkaline phosphates and GGT enzymes. Also, the decrease of these enzymes in the group that received the diet containing the absorbent proves the protections of these absorbents.

J. C. Medina, J.A. Fierro, R. Perez-Franco, E. Rodríguez, L. Duran, M. Altamirano, V. Moreno. Evaluation of an aluminosilicate to decrease the toxic effects of Aflatoxin B1 in swine. IPVS, 2010.

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