Experimental infection of Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovars Panama was proceeded to establish the importance of nose-to-nose contact in the transmission among weaned pigs.
Six recently-weaned pigs were acquired from a farm previously selected, free from Salmonella spp. Isolation stalls allowing nose-to-nose contact and eliminating other transmission routes as well outside contamination were used. Three groups were formed: control, sentinel, and infected. Piglets of control and sentinel groups were not positive for Salmonella spp., however, Salmonella Panama was isolated in infected animals in rectal swabs and necropsied tissues.

It was concluded that there was not transmission by nose-to-nose contact among weaned pigs, since Samonella Panama was not isolated in the sentinel group at any moment
Oliveira, L.G; Carvalho, L.F.O.S; Masson, G.C.I.H y Feliciano, M.A.R. Experimental infection by Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovar Panama and tentative of nose-to-nose transmission in weaned pigs. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec. [online]. 2010, vol.62, n.6, pp. 1340-1347.