After the sperm cryopreservation process, there frequently is a marked decrease in sperm motility, however, this loss of motility could be avoided or reduced by modifying the thawing extender. The aim of conducting this study was to evaluate treatments resulting in differences in pH of the thawing extender on post-thawing sperm quality, especially motility. The associated effects were evaluated of the thawing extender pH when there were pH values of 7, 8 and 9 on values for sperm viability, acrosome integrity, motility and kinematic variables. To evaluate pH effects of the thawing extender on sperm motility, the procedures for evaluating the sperm variables were conducted with or without inclusion of caffeine in the extender. In addition, effects of thawing extender pH on the sperm subpopulations were analyzed.
The results indicated that by increasing the pH of thawing extender to 9, sperm viability and acrosome status were not affected, and motility was markedly greater with there being similar values when there was a pH of greater alkalinity and pH 7 when caffeine was included for conducting the evaluations. Furthermore, for values of kinematic variables and sperm subpopulations, when there was a pH of 8 of thawing extender, sperm motility was maintained to a greater extent as storage duration advanced and the proportions of different sperm populations were also maintained during storage.

In conclusion, when there was use of the thawing extender at pH 8, there was enhanced post-thawing sperm motility and preservation of motility as storage time advanced.
de Mercado E, Tomás-Almenar C, Gómez-Izquierdo E. Improvement of the motility of boar sperm after cryopreservation. Animal Reproduction Science. 2020; 222: 106610.