Zinc (Zn), a micro mineral, is important for biochemical processes such as enzyme function, protein synthesis, hormone regulation, bone mineralization, cell growth and differentiation, cell immunity, and gene expression. Previous studies reported that zinc absorption in the intestines is influenced by the amount and source of Zn in the diet and by the interaction with other nutrients. Spontaneous chelation of Zn in the presence of easily digestible protein sources has been reported. The objective of this study was to investigate the possible interaction between zinc (Zn) source and protein source on Zn bioavailability in sows during late gestation that were fed adequate dietary Zn concentrations. Fifty-six sows were randomly allocated to one of four dietary treatment groups during a 20-day experimental period: (1) organic Zn + soybean meal, (2) inorganic Zn + soybean meal, (3) organic Zn + hydrolyzed feather meal, and (4) inorganic Zn + hydrolyzed feather meal. Zinc was provided at adequate dietary Zn concentrations, in which organic Zn was added as a Zn amino acid complex and inorganic Zn as ZnO. Blood samples were collected at the start (day 1) and at the end (day 20A) of the experimental period before feeding and 3 h after feeding (day 20B) to determine plasma Zn and serum metallothionein (MT) concentration. Fecal samples were collected rectally, alternately in the morning (day 15, 17, and 19) and afternoon (day 16, 18, and 20) directly after feeding to calculate apparent nutrient digestibility and apparent Zn absorption.
Neither Zn nor protein source affected Zn status neither in plasma Zn nor in Serum MT or apparent Zn absorption. Hydrolyzed feather meal showed lower crude protein, crude fat, and crude ash digestibility compared to soybean meal. Fecal Zn concentration was not affected by Zn source.

This study did not confirm the earlier observed effects of protein source interaction with Zn on Zn bioavailability and shows that, at adequate levels commonly used in practice, the choice of Zn or protein source does not influence Zn status in gestating sows.
Van Riet, M. M. J., Millet, S., Bos, E. J., Nalon, E., Ampe, B., Sobry, L., Tuyttens, F.A.M., Maes, D., Du Laing, G., Nagels t., Janssens, G. P. J. (2016). No indications that zinc and protein source affect Zn bioavailability in sows during late gestation fed adequate dietary Zn concentrations. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 213, 118-127. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2016.01.007