A cross‐sectional study was carried out in 143 farrow‐to‐finish herds to identify non‐infectious factors associated with pneumonia and pleuritis in slaughter‐aged pigs. A sample of 30 randomly selected pigs per herd was scored for pneumonia and pleuritis at the slaughterhouse. Data related to herd management; husbandry and housing conditions were previously collected by questionnaire during a farm visit. Climatic conditions were measured over 20 hours in the post‐weaning and fattening rooms where the slaughter pigs were kept. Herds were grouped into three categories according to their pneumonia median score (class 1: ≤0.5; class 2: 0.5<score≤3.75; class 3: >3.75). For pleuritis, a herd was deemed affected if at least one pig had a pleuritis score >2 (scoring on four points).
An interval of less than four weeks between successive batches, large finishing room size and high mean CO2 concentration in the finishing room significantly increased the odds for a herd to be in class 2 for pneumonia. The same risk factors were found for class 3 with, in addition, a direct fresh air inlet from outside or from the corridor in the post‐weaning room versus an appropriate ceiling above the pigs. A short temperature range for the ventilation control rate and the lack of disinsection in the farrowing room, late surgical procedures on the piglets, a mean temperature in the fattening room below 23°C and a herd size higher than 200 sows were associated with increased risk of extensive pleuritis.

C. Fablet, V. Dorenlor, F. Eono, E. Eveno, J.‐P. Jolly, F. Portier, F. Bidan, F. Madec, N. Rose. Facteurs non infectieux associés à la pneumonie et à la pleurésie dans 143 élevages naisseurs‐engraisseurs du Grand Ouest de la France. 45ème Journées de la Recherche Porcine.