Potato protein and potato fibre preparations are the refined by-products of the potato starch industry and are putative components of animal feeds and human diets. Potato protein concentrate (PPC) is considered as a valuable source of essential amino acids which can replace animal protein in piglet diets. Potato fibre (PF) preparations have been examined as a potential source of functional dietary fibre for feed and food purposes. Dietary protein and fibre have great impact on the functional status of gastrointestinal tract and, consequently, on immunology, health and performance of young pigs.
The main objective of the study was to find out whether potato protein can be safety fed to pigs at relatively high dietary level, and whether potato fibre may be considered as a beneficial dietary supplement. Two experiments were performed. In Experiment 1, apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of protein and amino acids of casein (CAS) and PPC was determined and the effect of PF on the AID of protein and amino of the mixture of PPC and CAS was estimated and compared with that of cellulose (CEL). In Experiment 2, the effects of supplementing cereal diets with CAS or PPC and with CEL or PF, were determined in a 2 x 2 factorial design.

AID of PPC and most essential amino acids was significantly lower than that of CAS (P < 0.05). The substitution of PF for CEL did not affect significantly AID (P > 0.05). PF tended to reduce the utilization of protein ingested. Passage rate of digesta was affected mostly by the type of fibre. Dietary protein and fibre did not influence the relative weight of stomach and jejunum (P > 0.05) whereas their effects on other segments were variable. Morphological parameters were affected either by protein and by fibre but course and magnitude of these effects were inconsistent and differed among the segments. In most cases interactive effects of both factors were found.
It may be concluded that PPC with relatively low glycoalkaloid concentration and trypsin inhibiting activity is well utilized by young pigs when fed at the level considerably higher than recommended 5%, and does not provoke apparent negative consequences. PF generally does not depress nutrients digestibility and nutritive value of the diet but does not reveal evident health promoting effects.
A Tusnio, B Pastuszewska, E Swiech and M Taciak, 2011. Response of young pigs to feeding potato protein and potato fibre - nutritional, physiological and biochemical parameters. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 20: 361-378.