A questionnaire was sent to 250 pig herdsmen. Of the responding herdsmen (n = 110), 37 reported occurrences of PDS, whereas 73 reported no cases of PDS. Data were then analysed using logistic regression. After univariate analysis, eight variables associated with PDS were retained and these were used to construct a multivariable logistic regression model. Four significant risk factors were found:
(1) moving pregnant sows to the farrowing unit 4 days or less before expected farrowing
(2) farrowing induction
(3) feeding sows ad libitum during lactation
(4) frequent farrowing supervision
This study has demonstrated that a considerable number of modern pig herds still suffer from problems with PDS, and that control measures should include optimising management and feeding practices.
G.A. Papadopoulos, C. Vanderhaeghe, G.P.J. Janssens, J. Dewulf and D.G.D. Maes. Risk factors associated with postpartum dysgalactia syndrome in sows. The Veterinary Journal. 2010. Vol. 184 (2): 167-171.