Mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) has been identified as a typical functional oligosaccharide with positive effects on growth and immunity. However, there are some inconsistent reports about the effect of MOS on animal growth and health. Besides, information regarding the effect of MOS supplementation in both sow and their offspring diets is scarce. In this trial, it was studied the effects of MOS supplementation on sows and/or their offspring performance and immune status. Sixty multiparous sows were randomly distributed into a control diet (sCON, n = 30) or the same control diet adding 400 mg/kg MOS (sMOS, n = 30) from d 86 of gestation until weaning. The offspring were assigned within sow treatments, at d 7 of age, to the piglet basal diet (pCON) or the piglet basal diet supplemented with 800 mg/kg MOS (pMOS) for 28 days.
The dietary treatments did no show any effect for the number of total piglets born and born alive and the piglet weight at birth. The concentration of immunoglobulins in colostrum and milk were not affected by sow diet MOS supplementation. Nevertheless, the weaning to oestrus interval of sows in the sMOS treatment was shorter than for that of sCON treatment. The weaning weight and pre-weaning weight gains of piglets from the sMOS sows were greater than for the sCON sows’ piglets. The piglets from sMOS had higher serum concentrations of immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin G (IgG), complement 3 (C3), complement 4 (C4) and lysozyme (LYZ) at weaning, as well as C3 and LYZ on d 35 of age. Dietary treatment pMOS improved both pre- and post-weaning weight gain and increased serum concentrations of IgA and IgG at weaning, as well as C3, LYZ and C4 on d 35 of age. Supplementation of sow’s diets late in gestation and during lactation showed positive effects in shortening the sow’s weaning to oestrus interval and in improving growth and immunity of their offspring before weaning. Thereafter, supplementation of MOS in piglet’s diet also impacted positively in growth and in part of their non-specific immunity after weaning.

All together may show that MOS supplementation of both diets, sows and piglets, may have an additive effect in growth and immunity status of weaned piglets.
Duan, X. D., Chen, D. W., Zheng, P., Tian, G., Wang, J. P., Mao, X. B., Yu, J., He, J., Li, B., Huang, Z. Q., Ao, Z. G., Yu., B. (2016). Effects of dietary mannan oligosaccharide supplementation on performance and immune response of sows and their offspring. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 218, 17-25.