Betaine is a methyl donor and osmoregulator that naturally accumulates in organisms that are adapted to saline or drought conditions. It can maintain cell volume and integrity under challenging conditions, including heat stress. Dietary betaine supplementation to sows has showed benefits on the reproductive performance when supplemented during gestation and lactation, but supplementation after weaning and during breeding has not been explored. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the impact of dietary betaine fed during lactation and post-weaning as a heat abatement strategy in sows exposed to heat stress. For that purpose, two studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary natural betaine on sow reproductive performance during summer (Exp. 1) and non-summer months (Exp. 2). Treatments were designed as a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with factors including dietary betaine (0 or 0.2%) and period of supplementation (lactation or post-weaning until 35 days post-insemination). In Exp. 1, 322 and 327 sows and in Exp. 2, 300 and 327 sows representing young (parity 1 and 2) and mature (parity 3 to 6) sows, respectively, were used.
In Exp. 1, supplementation of betaine during lactation increased sow body weight losses, reduced feed intake, and tended to reduce percentage of no-value pigs. Betaine fed post-weaning reduced weaning-to-estrus interval and farrowing rate, regardless of parity group. Betaine fed in lactation to parity 4+ sows and betaine fed post-weaning to parity 1 sows increased the number of pigs born in the subsequent cycle. In Exp. 2, betaine fed during lactation tended to reduce the weaning-to-estrus interval and farrowing rate, regardless of parity group. Feeding betaine post-weaning reduced number of pigs born and pigs born alive, regardless of parity group.

In conclusion, using 0.2% betaine during the non-summer months did not benefit sow performance. However, during the summer, betaine supplementation in lactation increased subsequent litter size in parity 4+ sows. Betaine fed during the post-weaning period reduced the wean-to-estrus interval and farrowing rate, increased total number of pigs born for parity 1 sows and reduced total number of pigs born to parity 4+ sows.
Mendoza SM, Boyd RD, Remus J, Wilcock P, Martinez GE, van Heugten E. Sow performance in response to natural betaine fed during lactation and post-weaning during summer and non-summer months. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2020; 11(1): 1-13.