The conservation of genetic resources in pig breeds, notably the Iberian pig, is crucial for genetic improvement and sustainable production. Prolonged storage in liquid nitrogen (LN2) is recognized for preserving genetic diversity, but potential adverse effects on seminal quality remain debated. This study aims to assess the impact of ten years of storage at different LN2 levels and to optimize thawing protocols for Iberian pig sperm.
Methods: Sperm samples from 53 boars were cryopreserved and stored at varying LN2 levels and, a decade later, the samples were thawed at 37 °C for 20 s or at 70 °C for 8 s. Sperm motility, membrane integrity, acrosome status, and DNA fragmentation were evaluated in year 0 and year 10.

Results: Overall, no significant differences were observed in post-thaw sperm quality between storage levels in year 0 or year 10. But thawing at 70 °C 8 s showed significant improvements, particularly in samples that were always stored in LN2, in all analyzed parameters except fragmentation, which was not affected by cryostorage.
Conclusion: This study suggests that the long-term preservation of Iberian pig sperm does not affect quality over time, regardless of whether the samples were fully submerged in LN2. Furthermore, it is determined that thawing at 70 °C for 8 s maximizes post-thaw sperm quality, especially in those samples stored constantly submerged in LN2.
Álvarez-Rodríguez M, Tomás-Almenar C, Nieto-Cristóbal H, de Mercado E. Evaluation of Different Thawing Protocols on Iberian Boar Sperm Preserved for 10 Years at Different Liquid Nitrogen Levels. Animals. 2024; 14(6): 914.