
The effect of adding fibre sources to diets on the volatilisation of ammonia and the production of methane from pig effluents

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the incorporation of 20% of three raw materials rich in fibre (dried distiller's grain solubles, sugar beet pulp and oily rapeseed cake) on animal growth performance, nitrogen and carbon excretions, and ammonia volatilisation and methane production from effluents.
19 May 2010
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the incorporation of 20% of three raw materials rich in fibre (dried distiller's grain solubles, sugar beet pulp and oily rapeseed cake) on animal growth performance, nitrogen and carbon excretions, and ammonia volatilisation and methane production from effluents. These 3 diets were compared to two control diets, mainly
based on cereal and soybean meal, with 17.5 or 14.0 % of crude protein (CP). The animals (20 castrated males) were housed individually in metabolism cages and fed one of the five diets (ie. 4 pigs per diet). Sample of each type of effluent (urine and faeces) were collected separately. Ammonia volatilisation was measured on samples of urines and slurry, during 16 days in a
laboratory pilot scale system. The ultimate methane potential (B0) of slurry and methane production of faeces, fresh slurry and stored slurry were measured in laboratory during 100 days.

The addition of fibre sources to the diet had no marked effect on animal performance, but it modified N balance. For high fibre diets N excretion increased in faeces whereas it decreased in urine, resulting in a reduction of ammonia N. Slurry VFA was increased and pH was decreased. Ammonia emission from slurry was significantly lower by 13 % for the low CP diet and by 19 to 33 % for the high fibre diets, compared to the control high CP diet. The emission kinetics and the total cumulated production of methane were significantly affected by both the type of diet and the type of effluent.

G. Jarret, J. Martinez, J.-Y. Dourmad. Effet de l'ajout de sources de fibres dans l'aliment sur la volatilisation de l'ammoniac et la production de méthane des effluents porcins. 2010. Journées Recherche Porcine, 269.

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