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Could adding apple pomace become a suitable approach for gut health at weaning?

Apple pomace supplementation in weanling diets may improve performance and intestinal health.

12 April 2022

Apple is a fruit rich in phytochemicals linked with good health indicators, its content in both dietary fiber and phenolic compounds may partially contribute to this beneficial effect. Similarly, the product derived from apple juice extraction process, apple pomace (AP) is known to be rich in biomolecules beneficial for health such as phenolic and terpenic compounds. AP can represent a raw material of great interest for different applications such as the production of lactic acid, as well as being a source of dietary fiber or polyphenolic components, and as a possible functional food for the agri-food sector. In the pig industry, AP may advantageously be used to overcome the critical step of piglets’ weaning. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of two levels of incorporation of AP on the performance, intestinal morphology, and microbiota of weaned piglets and investigate this feed ingredient as a weaning strategy. An experiment was performed with 42 piglets from weaning (28 days old) over a five-week period, including three iso-energetic and iso-nitrogenous diets (0%, 2%, and 4% dried AP diets) with seven pen-repetitions per diet (two pigs per pen). Growth performance and fecal consistency data was registered. Fecal samples, and intestinal tissues and contents were collected to perform different analytical techniques.

As a result, AP diets were beneficial for the average daily gain calculated on week 3 and some parameters of the intestinal architecture on the 35 post-weaning day. The 4% AP diet was beneficial for the feed conversion ratio and the energetic feed efficiency on the 35 post-weaning day. AP tended to influence the consistency of feces, and increased the counts of excreted pathogens. A 4% AP influenced the richness of the microbiota and the bacteria profile as observed for the phylum Bacteroidetes or the class Clostridia.

The 4% AP diet appeared as an interesting weaning strategy that should be evaluated in a large cohort.

Dufourny S, Antoine N, Pitchugina E, Delcenserie V, Godbout S, Douny C, Scippo ML, Froidmont E, Rondia P, Wavreille J, Everaert N. Apple Pomace and Performance, Intestinal Morphology and Microbiota of Weaned Piglets—A Weaning Strategy for Gut Health? Microorganisms. 2021; 9(3): 572. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9030572

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