Substitution of the expensive protein sources included in the nursery diet with soybean meal (SBM) would be economically advantageous. β-Mannan is an antinutritive factor found in SBM that can be degraded with a β-mannanase, which has been shown to restore and improve performance in swine. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effects of β-mannanase supplementation to nursery diets with reduced content of expensive, high-quality proteins on performance and health of nursery piglets. The current study was conducted on a farm which had historical episodes of post-weaning diarrhea. In total, 896 newly weaned piglets were enrolled in two consecutive trials. Each trial consisted of 32 pens of 14 piglets housed in one large post-weaning compartment. Piglets at the same feeder were randomly assigned to the two treatment groups. The study compared the performance of post-weaned piglets fed either a commercial 3-phase nursery diet (Control) or an adapted diet supplemented with a β-mannanase (Enzyme), with some of the more expensive proteins replaced by soybean meal in phase 1 and 2, and net energy (NE) content reduced by 65 kcal/kg in phase 3.
The study showed similar performance on the alternative diet with β-mannanase and the common commercial diets. However, the Enzyme treated group had a significantly better general clinical score. In total, 7 (1.56%) piglets died in the Control group, whereas only 2 (0.45%) piglets died in the Enzyme treated group, but the difference was non-significant.

In conclusion, the results suggest that the use of an exogenous heat-tolerant β-mannanase allowed reduced levels of expensive protein sources to be used in the first two diets fed post-weaning, and 65 kcal/kg lower net energy content to be used in the third diet without adverse effects on intestinal health or overall performance. In fact, the occurrence of post-weaning diarrhea and number of individual treatments during the post-weaning period were significantly reduced on the β-mannanase supplemented diets.
Vangroenweghe F, Poulsen K, Thas O. Supplementation of a β-mannanase enzyme reduces post-weaning diarrhea and antibiotic use in piglets on an alternative diet with additional soybean meal. Porcine Health Management. 2021; 7(1): 1-12.