Page 8 of articles about amino acids
Amino acid digestibility of microbial protein for growing pigs
The ideal ratio of SID threonine:lysine for growing pigs fed low crude protein diets
High dietary tryptophan to overcome stress in weaning piglets
The use of crystalline amino acids in lactating sow diets
Influence of dietary isoleucine:lysine ratio on the optimal tryptophan:lysine ratio for weanling pigs
Lysine to metabolizable energy ratio affects growth performance, blood metabolites and hormones of lactating sows
Lipid metabolism in pigs fed CLA and/or dietary arginine
Nutrition and intramuscular fat: Effect of the levels of protein, lysine and other amino acids
The decrease in the level of protein seems to be a promising strategy to increase the intramuscular fat, as long as the lysine level is adapted to the to the kind of pig used.