articles about antimicrobial
EU: Antimicrobial resistance report 2022-2023 published
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in collaboration with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has published its report on antimicrobial resistance in the European Union (EU) for the period 2022-2023.
Fertility after photodynamic inactivation of bacteria in extended boar semen
Improving colostrum quality: Can we get an extra 50% of immunoglobulin concentration in piglet serum?
Beta glucans are an excellent bioactive compounds that can help us enhance passive immunity in a profitable and practical way.
FDA requests comments on National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) Strategic Plan for 2026-2030
This system tracks changes in the antimicrobial susceptibility of enteric bacteria found in ill people, retail meats, and food animals in the United States.
EU revision of first-line veterinary antibiotic dosages
The CVMP will re-evaluate dosages of first-line veterinary antibiotics to improve their efficacy and limit bacterial resistance.
World AMR Awareness Week
From November 18 to 24, World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week is being celebrated, focusing on preventing the spread of antimicrobial resistance.
USDA provides nearly $5 Million to support antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools
Dashboards will help monitor trends in antimicrobial resistance patterns and detect emerging resistance profiles.
UK: Slight increase in antibiotic use in the pig industry
Antibiotic use in the UK pig industry has declined rapidly over the last nine years, but the latest figures from AHDB reveal there was a slight increase in 2023.
Germany: Antibiotic use in veterinary medicine continues to decline
Significant decrease in cephalosporins and polypeptide antibiotics, slight increase in fluoroquinolones.
U.S. antimicrobial sales for food-producing animals were down in 2023
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine published the 2023 Summary Report on Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals.
International declaration on combating antimicrobial resistance
At the high-level ministerial meeting, UN member countries pledged to take concrete action against antimicrobial resistance.
Enhancing growth and gut health in nursery piglets: effects of enzymatically treated yeast and zinc oxide
How prevention can reduce the need for antibiotics - New FAO report
A new report outlines the tools and practices that can reduce the need for antimicrobials such as vaccination, biosecurity, genetics, and digital technologies.
Pig manure treatment strategies for mitigating the spread of antibiotic resistance
The Netherlands' new long-term approach against antimicrobial resistance
The Netherlands proposes numerous actions with the National Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance 2024-2030.