Page 11 of articles about antimicrobial
Germany: important decrease in the use of antibiotics in pigs
The U.S. and EU: Animal pharmaceutical industries in the age of antibiotic resistance
Antimicrobial activity and effect on growth performance of supplementing Nigella sativa L. on weanling piglets
Whole genome sequencing shows promise in fight against AMR
The use of whole genome sequencing can improve the way antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is monitored in food and animals, EFSA says in a new report.
Animine round table at Zero Zinc Summit
Next June 17/18, the Danish Pig Research Centre (SEGES) organises the “Zero Zinc Summit” in Copenhagen where latest research on alternatives to therapeutic zinc oxide in piglet feed will be presented.
USA: Data on antimicrobial use by swine operations
UK: NI Government launches ‘One Health’ approach to tackle antimicrobial resistance
Supplementation of C. butyricum and B. licheniformis in weanling piglets
OIE: urgent action to avert antimicrobial resistance crisis
The United Nations, international agencies and experts today released a groundbreaking report demanding immediate, coordinated and ambitious action to avert a potentially disastrous drug-resistance crisis.
USA: Revised draft guidance on veterinary feed directive regulation
Boehringer Ingelheim acquires stake in SoundTalks, begins pilot programme
Boehringer Ingelheim plans a pilot programme using the innovative SoundTalksTM system in select pig barns. The goal is to harness the power of digital innovation and technological change to detect possible respiratory distress in swine quickly
USA: Pork essentially free of veterinary drug residues
Spain: National Plan against Antibiotic Resistances approved
UK: Update on veterinary medicine supply in a no deal EU Exit
FAO, OIE and WHO: guide on taking a One Health approach to addressing zoonotic diseases
This Guide provides principles, best practices and options to assist countries in achieving sustainable and functional collaboration at the human-animal-environment interface.