Page 6 of articles about behaviour-welfare in Articles
Conditions for gestating sows in groups
Fattening conditions
Group formation of gestating sows
The aggressions can provoke lesions and exclusion from feed for the weaker animals.
Husbandry of groups of growing piglets
Space/comfort, after feeding and nourishment, is without doubt a limiting factor for the establishment of a quick, and above all, solid hierarchy.
Basic needs of the growing pig
For the animals to be comfortable it is important to know their needs. The more needs that we can fulfill the more productive the animal will be.
What is the best age for weaning piglets? (1/3)
With this article we begin the publication of a series of three unpublished articles by José Barceló for on the age at weaning. José gave us the articles a few days before his death. As a way of paying homage to him we have decided to publish them posthumously without any alterations.
The importance of the first hours of life
Piglets are born with very limited energy reserves: compared to other newborn mammals, they have much less energy stored per kg liveweight.
Typical ventilation problems and their prevention
Pig vision and management/handling
Pigs have a panoramic vision of 310º and binocular vision of 35-50º (Fig. 1). This means that compared to humans, pigs prioritise their lateral monocular vision and this increases their panoramic vision (greater capacity for detecting possible danger, food, other pigs, etc) and decreases their bifocal vision (greater difficulty for calculating distances).
Material for the manipulation activities of the pig: better to face the problem than ignore it!
Pigs must have permanent access to a sufficient quantity of material to enable proper investigation and manipulation activities, such as straw, hay, wood, sawdust, mushroom compost, peat ...
Ventilation – heating and cooling
The purpose of a ventilation system is to remove excessive moisture and heat produced by animals in order to maintain an indoor climate within certain limits
Controlling the environment of the pig
This article explains the most important principles of environmental control in the pig barns, such as ventilation control, maintenance of temperature within the thermoneutral zone of the animals and of the relative humidity levels inside the barns.