Page 7 of articles about behaviour-welfare in Press releases

Jyden Bur: Free stall system for the European market

As of 2013, the European Union has made new requirements for gestated sows. The ordinary static crate will be phased out by law but there are other solutions. A high level of efficiency, an improved working environment and more animal welfare is the outcome of the popular and flexible gestation crate, JB5000 from Jyden Bur – a Danish company with an international perspective.

Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin, Ph.D., is the most accomplished and well-known adult with autism in the world. Now her fascinating life, with all its challenges and successes is being brought to the screen.

Non-fattening ‘doughnut’ for pigs!

Environmental enrichment is an important part of the welfare codes for pigs. Pig’s Donut from G E Baker (UK) Ltd – which trades under the name of Quality Equipment – is a toy designed to help reduce boredom by stimulating play and activity for these animals from weaning through to finishing.

Animal Welfare Conference:

On 8-9 October, some hundred researchers and experts in the field of animal health from the EU and other countries gathered in Uppsala, north of Stockholm. The conference marks the conclusion of the Welfare Quality Project that has engaged researchers in the work on animal welfare for over five years.

First European Protocols for assessing Farm Animal Welfare published

Assessment systems to evaluate the quality of animal welfare on farms or at slaughter, have been developed by researchers of the European research project Welfare Quality®. These systems for 7 livestock species are founded upon animal-based measures. The systems combine a science-based methodology for assessing farm animal welfare with a standardised way of integrating this information to assign farms and slaughterhouses to one of four categories (from poor to excellent animal welfare).