Page 13 of articles about behaviour-welfare
EU: MEPs urge a shift from live animal to meat-and-carcass transport
Parliament’s committee of inquiry into the protection of animals during transport adopted its conclusions and recommendations.
Time budgets of group-housed pigs in relation to social aggression and production
Evaluation of sow thermal preference across three stages of reproduction
EU: MEPs call for a scientifically-sound update of animal welfare rules
EU animal welfare legislation needs an update and uniform application in all Member States, Agriculture MEPs say.
New EU farm to fork strategy to make our food more sustainable
MEPs present plans revamping the EU’s food systems, to produce healthier food, ensure food security, a fair income for farmers and reduce agriculture’s environmental footprint.
EU Animal Welfare: EU Commission launches public consultation
As part of its "Farm to Fork" strategy, the Commission has launched a public consultation on the review of animal welfare legislation.
Revision of EU legislation on animal welfare
During the last Council of Ministers of Agriculture, the Danish delegation provided information to ministers regarding the future revision of EU legislation on animal welfare.
Germany pushes for transformation of livestock farming to higher animal welfare systems
At the Agriculture Ministers' Conference in Dresden from September 30 to October 1, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture called on the state ministers to commit to the conversion of livestock farming.
France: Porc Grand Ouest recognized as first association of pig producer organizations
The signing of the decree was a moment highly anticipated by the whole swine industry after three years of work.
Effects of music stimulus on pig behavior, cortisol level, and immunity
UK facing threat of slaughterhouse backlogs due to CO2 shortage
If current stocks of the gas run out, some slaughterhouses will have to stop taking animals and close production lines.
Germany: Dominant pig husbandry systems continue to gain importance
According to the 2020 agricultural census, 79% of pigs were kept on fully slatted floors.
Smart farming
Introducing the new smart farming innovation your farm needs.
Branched chain for environmental enrichment
How to improve the characteristics of a chain as environmental enrichment. The secret is pigs being able to play together.