CP Foods: Humane farming model with animal welfare innovations
Charoen Pokphand Foods unveils animal welfare innovations to create a model that promote humane principles for husbandary.
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Charoen Pokphand Foods unveils animal welfare innovations to create a model that promote humane principles for husbandary.
Ministers called on the Commission to carry out a full impact assessment of the initiative, as well as to provide funding for farmers transitioning away from cage systems.
How is the growing demand for greater animal welfare on farms articulated?
Correct management, considering animal welfare, seeks to minimize injuries, diseases or stress to pigs and provides greater safety for the movement of animals
New regulation requires minimum floor space for breeding sows and bans the sale of pork in California that does not come from animals housed under these standards.
The proposal will come as part of the ongoing revision of the animal welfare legislation under the Farm to Fork Strategy.
A study from Wageningen Livestock Research and Utrecht University concludes it is too early to stop tail docking entirely in The Netherlands.
New regulations allow farmers to administer general anaesthesia to piglets via inhalation of isoflurane. This is how the German swine industry is adapting so far.
The Commission’s Animal Welfare Platform recommends the establishment of a voluntary labelling scheme at EU-level.
The Chief Veterinary Inspectorate announced that inspections of slaughterhouses will intensify.
The Nutrition Report 2021 highlights that meat consumption is falling in Germany and animal welfare is gaining importance.
UK launches first ever action plan to improve the welfare and conservation of animals.
How will policies geared toward the environment and animal welfare shape our swine industry? Here's an overview of the potentially limiting factors.
While the mandatory hospital pen area is 2.5%, SEGES proposes to increase this depending on the feeding system.
Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL has developed animal welfare practices together with a biosecurity system to ensure healthy animals and safe, quality meats.