Page 32 of articles about behaviour-welfare
EC welcomes practical EU guidelines to assess fitness of pigs for transport
Enrichment material to prevent tail-biting
To prevent tail biting, animals must be able to express their exploratory behaviour in an appropriate manner. This article presents the points to consider when choosing the most appropriate material.
Behaviour of fattening pigs fed with liquid feed and dry feed
OIE: World animal health on the agenda of the European Parliament’s Commission for Agriculture
UK: FAWC favours movement in the pig industry towards free farrowing systems
Chinese veterinarians draft farm animal welfare standard
The relationship between selected physiological post-mortem measures and an overall pig welfare assessment from farm to slaughter
Comparison of meat quality parameters in surgical castrated versus vaccinated against gonadotrophin-releasing factor male and female Iberian pigs reared in free-ranging conditions
Confinement of sows for different periods during lactation: effects on behaviour and lesions of sows and performance of piglets
Germany at the forefront of animal welfare
The piglet's basic requirements: real welfare
Bearing welfare in mind, which should be the size of the group of animals housed in a pen?
Multi-litter housing: development of piglets and growing and finishing pigs
Heat Stress Management Strategies on Farm
This article summarizes the main points to beat heat stress in pigs.