Page 41 of articles about behaviour-welfare
Ireland: extension to deadline for submission of applications under the Sow Welfare Scheme
Animal welfare considered in trade and economic relations with the United States for the first time
Group planning for group housing
Towards ISO certification for animal welfare
European sow stall ban: 18 countries say they will be ready for the new legislation
Animal Welfare: Commission seeks smooth implementation of animal slaughter rules
Space allowance for gestating sows in pens: Behavior and immunity
EUROTIER: Special showcase on farrowing welfare
New phenotypes for new breeding goals in pigs
Tyson Foods announces new audit program to help ensure responsible on-farm treatment of animals
European Union: animal transport rules must be properly enforced
Spain: new provisions for the adaptation of pig farms to welfare legislation
Current situation of the castration of piglets in Europe
The European Declaration on alternatives to the castration of pigs is a declaration that is a voluntary agreement in which, for the first time, the European swine farmers have manifested a proactive stance with the aim of presenting a solution, from the swine sector, to a social demand.