Page 48 of articles about behaviour-welfare

Canada - CQA to include Animal Care Assessment

Completion of the Animal Care Assessment (ACA) requirements will become an integral component of the CQA program effective January 1, 2012. This means that as of the first of next year, producers will need to meet the requirements of the ACA to maintain their CQA status.

Smooth finish for outdoor pigs

An East Anglian contractor has come up with a system that can literally smooth out potential areas of conflict between outdoor pig-keepers and arable farmers. While they tick all the welfare boxes, free-range sows are no respecters of the land. Their rooting and wallowing can leave paddocks looking like battle fields, with crater-like holes pitting the surface.

Denmark - Expectations of 2013

In 2001, the EU decided that all sows must be housed loose by 2013, giving the pig producers 12 years to adapt. In Denmark, this legislation was introduced in 1998. To form an impression of the situation in Denmark, Hatting-KS, the Danish Pig Producers’ Association and Pig Research Centre forwarded questionnaires to all Danish sow farmers with more than 100 sows asking them about their expectations of 2013.

USA - OLCSB swine committee recommends stall-free by 2025

After several hours of intense discussion and deliberation, the swine subcommittee for the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board decided to remove an exemption in its recommendations, that would have allowed existing swine producers to expand their stall-based facilities beyond 2025.

European Union - EFSA assesses welfare risks to animals during transport

Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare was asked to deliver a Scientific Opinion on the welfare of animals during transport. An ad hoc expert working group was established in response to the request which made use of the information provided by stakeholders during the Technical Meeting held on 13 October 2010. The scientific opinion on the welfare of animals during transport was adopted by the AHAW Panel on 2nd December 2010.